Comments for Insight Mon, 22 Apr 2024 18:34:29 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Christmas traditions for you and yours by Sandra Lee <![CDATA[Sandra Lee]]> Thu, 08 Dec 2016 20:26:04 +0000 <![CDATA[The Christmas Traditions page is awesome! I can't wait to show my kids tonight and see what unique versions of this great picture they come up!]]> <![CDATA[

The Christmas Traditions page is awesome! I can’t wait to show my kids tonight and see what unique versions of this great picture they come up!

Comment on Say “hello” to Joan Meyers, Insight’s newest hire. by Katie Levitt <![CDATA[Katie Levitt]]> Wed, 18 Feb 2015 14:27:40 +0000 <![CDATA[Joan rules!]]> <![CDATA[

Joan rules!

Comment on Insight Team Members Achieve Google Adwords Certification by Andi <![CDATA[Andi]]> Sat, 05 Apr 2014 19:50:23 +0000 <![CDATA[yahoo! Go team, Go!]]> <![CDATA[

yahoo! Go team, Go!

Comment on Happy Birthday Facebook – Take Time to “Look Back”! by IMD <![CDATA[IMD]]> Fri, 07 Feb 2014 14:37:33 +0000 <![CDATA[In reply to <a href="">Amanda</a>. Great question Amanda - the new Paper app is actually a completely separate app and a different way to experience Facebook. The original Facebook app still exists and can be used.]]> <![CDATA[

In reply to Amanda.

Great question Amanda – the new Paper app is actually a completely separate app and a different way to experience Facebook. The original Facebook app still exists and can be used.

Comment on Happy Birthday Facebook – Take Time to “Look Back”! by Amanda <![CDATA[Amanda]]> Fri, 07 Feb 2014 14:14:51 +0000 <![CDATA[Do you still have the ability to switch back to the old facebook app or does this overwrite the app altogether?]]> <![CDATA[

Do you still have the ability to switch back to the old facebook app or does this overwrite the app altogether?

Comment on Marketing Insights: Google Virtual Tour Showcases Insight’s Office by Insight Marketing Design – Google Tour - Nathan Maas Media - Photo + Video + Logo Design <![CDATA[Insight Marketing Design – Google Tour - Nathan Maas Media - Photo + Video + Logo Design]]> Thu, 16 Jan 2014 05:11:38 +0000 <![CDATA[[…]  Source […]]]> <![CDATA[

[…]  Source […]

Comment on Van Dam Nominated for Woman of the Year by Susan C. Kincaid <![CDATA[Susan C. Kincaid]]> Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:18:03 +0000 <![CDATA[Is your desk always this neat? Congrations on Woman of the Year! And...137 years!! You must be older than I! Have a beautiful day!]]> <![CDATA[

Is your desk always this neat?

Congrations on Woman of the Year!

And…137 years!! You must be older than I!

Have a beautiful day!

Comment on They built this viral video….. by nick <![CDATA[nick]]> Thu, 13 May 2010 21:16:17 +0000 <![CDATA[I do like the concept of this video. Shiny, happy Sioux Citians from all walks of life, singing and dancing about their own little slice of heaven. With that being said, I think we can all agree that the execution is unintentionally poor. In going viral, the video probably does heighten awareness about Sioux City's existence. I don't know that the city John Morrell built will be greeting droves of tourists as a result. Even tagging the end with a URL to their community Web site could have potentially driven traffic and provided a way to determine effectiveness. All things considered, I think this one is a miss.]]> <![CDATA[

I do like the concept of this video. Shiny, happy Sioux Citians from all walks of life, singing and dancing about their own little slice of heaven. With that being said, I think we can all agree that the execution is unintentionally poor.

In going viral, the video probably does heighten awareness about Sioux City’s existence. I don’t know that the city John Morrell built will be greeting droves of tourists as a result.

Even tagging the end with a URL to their community Web site could have potentially driven traffic and provided a way to determine effectiveness. All things considered, I think this one is a miss.

Comment on They built this viral video….. by Wanda <![CDATA[Wanda]]> Thu, 13 May 2010 20:57:35 +0000 <![CDATA[Sure, a good viral video has the potential to create a lot of buzz, but in order to determine its success or failure, you have to be able to answer a couple of questions...what was the goal of the video, and was that goal reached? If the goal was to get thousands of viewers, then mission accomplished. Even if the goal was simply to create heightened awareness of Sioux City, they reached their objective. However, if the goal was to create positive awareness and perhaps drive web traffic, I'd venture to guess that our neighbors to the south are a little hurt by the response. And if there were no goals and objectives laid out in the first place, then what was the point?]]> <![CDATA[

Sure, a good viral video has the potential to create a lot of buzz, but in order to determine its success or failure, you have to be able to answer a couple of questions…what was the goal of the video, and was that goal reached? If the goal was to get thousands of viewers, then mission accomplished. Even if the goal was simply to create heightened awareness of Sioux City, they reached their objective. However, if the goal was to create positive awareness and perhaps drive web traffic, I’d venture to guess that our neighbors to the south are a little hurt by the response. And if there were no goals and objectives laid out in the first place, then what was the point?
